Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Poppers Shoppers Guide

                       Guide to Poppers in Toronto

Poppers are little bottles containing a liquid mixture of volatile nitrites.  When inhaled there is a "headrush", a light-headed gidddy high that lasts for a few minutes.  If used just before orgasm, Poppers prolong the sensation and facilitate anal intercourse by relaxing the muscles in the rectum.  From a biochemical standpoint, the alkyl nitrites (amyl-, butyl-, isobutyl-, propyl-, and other nitrites) are powerful oxidizing agents.  The original Poppers were small glass ampules enclosed in mesh, which were "popped" under the nose and inhaled. Manufactured by Burroughs-Wellcome, they contained pharmaceutical amyl nitrate, and were intended for emergency relief of angina pectoris (heart pain).  Amyl nitrate was a controlled substance until 1960 in the US, when the prescription requirement was eliminated by the FDA – mostly because nitroglycerin tablets replaced amyl nitrate for angina pectoris.  

From 1961 to 1969 amyl nitrate became a recreational drug for many people, especially American G.I.s and Gays. So the prescription requirement was reinstated by the FDA in 1969.  Then Gay medical student Clifford Hassing in California easily altered the atomic structure of amyl nitrate slightly and applied for a patent on butyl nitrite.  He marketed the popper brands "Locker Room" and "Bullet".  Soon Hassing was replaced by larger entrepreneurs who made further chemical changes and came up with butyl and isobutyl nitrite.  The FDA had no clear position and wanted nothing more to do with the whole business.  An unwritten agreement seemed to be that the distribution and sale of Poppers would be allowed – as long as they were labelled "room odorizer" or something legal.  

Around 1970 a new industry began marketing brands of butyl and isobutyl nitrite to meet the growing demand. The advertising campaigns conveyed the message that nothing could be butcher or sexier than to inhale Poppers. Within a few years hundreds of thousands of Gays were using Poppers, which became an integral part of their Gay identity and culture.  In the early 1970's Poppers were very fashionable, one of the favorite drugs of the Rolling Stones.  But although all types of people use Poppers, they have come to be associated with Gays.

In 1977, W. Jay Freezer, the Chair of Pharmex Ltd. that made Rush, told the Wall Street Journal that Poppers were safe enough to be sold in supermarkets.  Freezer was able to fend off several attempts to ban Poppers as a health menace.  Pharmex spent $200,000 on a scientific study that proved Poppers are safe.  In July 1979 Rush reached a court settlement with the California Department of Health, whereby Rush would be free of any regulation, testing, or control if Rush were not advertised as a drug or sold to minors.

The Rush trademark was sold to Joseph F. Miller in the 1980's along with the Bolt brand after W. Jay Freezer died.  Miller had created "Great Lakes Products" in the 1970's, which featured "HardWare" & "QuickSilver". About 1990 he purchased the "Locker Room" and "Bullet" brands from Clifford Hassing.  Rush was distributed in more than 100 countries by the marketing team of Pac West Distributing (PWD).  The production plant was a small nondescript building at 1491 N. Harding St, about two miles away from Miller's house in Indianapolis.  

At various times the states of California, Wisconsin, Connecticut, Texas and Pennsylvania have made moves to ban the sale of butyl nitrite within their borders, but following hearings or litigation have dropped these attempts when no evidence of medical harm was found. In Texas about 1980 the witch hunt chief said one of the reasons he wanted Poppers banned was because they caused "violent crime". 

Since February 15, 1989 Poppers have been a "banned hazardous product" in the USA.  It is illegal to manufacture, distribute, import or sell any isobutyl nitrite substance or any consumer product "used for inhaling or otherwise introduced into the body for euphoric or physical effects". In the UK, the Committee on Labor and Human resources issued the Alkyl Nitrites Study in 1988, and concluded in the report that "no further Federal action as to alkyl nitrites is warranted".  Nonetheless, that year Section 8 of the Consumer Product Safety Act banned the manufacture, distribution, and importation of various forms of "butyl nitrite".   

As the years passed, laws in the US and UK were made, changed, and circumvented by manufacturers who marketed formulas such as cyclohexyl nitrite, isopentyl nitrite or isoamyl nitrite.  These three are currently being promoted as "new formulas", "USA-safe formulas", or "EU formulas" with marketing hype.  They are not purer or better, merely the result of a never-ending game that Poppers manufacturers play with regulators who hate to see anything pleasurable on the market.

In August 2010 Pac West Distributing (PWD) was raided by US Customs likely for import/export law, Joseph F. Miller committed suicide on August 25, 2010, and the world's largest Popper manufacturer ceased production. Joseph Miller's twin brother Charles inherited PWD brands and sold them. The production plant building is still for sale as well as Miller's luxurious house ($2,500,000). On January 3, 2011 all PWD trademarks were transfered to an attorney who represented "GCP" in Phoenix, Arizona. Apparently the current owner of the PWD brands is:
Grand Canyon Products, Inc.
1075 Broad Ripple Avenue, #348
Indianapolis, Indiana 46220

In early June 2013 Health Canada issued a warning about "alkyl nitrite" Poppers and at the end of June began a crackdown on Poppers for political reasons.  Health Canada is part of the government, a puppet of the government.  The federal government is Conservative and they are on their way out.  They know it, so they are doing things such as making it difficult for people to obtain Poppers, specifically alkyl nitrites. 

"Should the department find that a retailer continues to sell a product after they have been warned, Health Canada may take a number of compliance and enforcement actions that include stop sales, recalls, voluntary forfeitures, detention or disposal," Health Canada warned. A violation could mean a $500 fine or three months imprisonment for a first offence, but no deaths or injuries have been reported to date according to the government. The operative word is "may" and the bottom line is Health Canada does not have the resources to do more than issue warnings and "requests".  They have more important priorities than to focus on Poppers forever.  Inevitably Health Canada will have to ignore Poppers because they are safe, popular, and available in some Toronto stores right now.

Poppers are relatively harmless and have been easily available in Toronto for over 40 years.  A study of drugs for harmfulness by the British government based on scientific evidence of harm to both individuals and society showed that, "Poppers pose little potential harm to individuals or to society when compared to other recreational drugs." 

Studies have shown that over 50% of Gays use Poppers for sex, which means the Canadian government is interfering with the sex lives and lifestyle of most Gays.  It was done at the same time Russia made homosexuality a crime.  The Poppers crackdown coincided exactly with annual Gay Pride celebrations by the same Conservative assholes responsible for the raids on Gay bath houses in Toronto a couple of decades ago.  What they are doing is called persecution, and they expect to get away with it because Gays are a hated minority and most people are secretive about using Poppers.  The Conservatives will get more votes by publicly persecuting Gays.

Health Canada began their campaign in Moosejaw. That tiny location tells you something about their tactics. Health Canada did not "ban" Poppers, which they have no authority to do.  In Toronto they "requested" stores selling Poppers to stop selling them.  Some stores stopped, but others ignored the request. The stores that continued selling Poppers were told by Health Canada that they could not advertise.  XXX Discount Adult Video on Yonge Street was told they could not offer "deals", such as 3 for the price of 2.

It has always been illegal to sell Poppers as inhalants or aphrodisiacs. So the product is sold as leather cleaner, video head cleaner, polish remover, room odorizer, etc. Health Canada has no power of enforcement. They just throw their weight around and their government credentials intimidates many. But if stores say no to their "requests" there is nothing they can do about it. The stores are selling leather cleaner, which is completely legal.

Health Canada bases its persecution on one complaint it received in early 2013.  Yes, one unsubstantiated complaint.  The only manufacturer of alkyl nitrite products Health Canada knows of in the country, Delta’s Lockerroom Marketing Ltd., is now suing because Health Canada's "voluntary recall" caused a loss of money and income for the company.  Lockerroom lawyer Richard Fowler said the company has never sold the product as a drug, which would be a product intended to “restore, correct or modify” bodily functions. The company sold sex toys and offered leather cleaners as a supplement to maintain those products.  "We make absolutely clear inhaling is not the intended use of the product in the same way the intended use of gasoline and any number of solvents sold at hardware stores."  The issue should be resolved in court in early 2014.

On the internet and in responses to ads I posted here, I learned Priape in the Gay Village still sold Poppers.  I also learned they do not sell Poppers.  It all depends if they know you as a customer and can trust you. A man contacted me and said he bought some Poppers at Priape on Church St. and it "was their home batch and didn't do anything".  It's the same double standard for many stores that sell Poppers "under the counter". To quite an extent the Poppers market has gone underground.

A guy contacted me and wrote, "Out On the Street sold me one about a month ago but I had to ask for it. It was not the usual and not as good, and they said it was ify if they could still keep getting what they had."  In the same time period I asked both the cashier and the manager of "Out On the Street" on Church St. near Wellesley for Poppers and they lied, claiming they never sold them. Avoid these bullshitting assholes, and help get them "out on the street" where they belong.

On Church St. in the Gay Village is the "Love Shop", part of a franchise.  It has mostly videos and some other stuff, including Poppers.  For years they sold their selection of Poppers at $15 each or 3 bottles for $30.  No other Love Shop had this deal.  I've been told they still sell Poppers at 3 for $30 but "They are not as strong and don't last as long as they once did. I just bought some at the Love Shop on Church St. last Sunday at 3 for $30.  OK, but only the first time you use them."  Usually there is a short fat swine as cashier.  He is the most obnoxious and insulting asshole imaginable.  The asshole asked me my age, profession, how I make my living, the amount of my income, and other questions of deep concern to cashiers. He also demanded evidence.  Avoid this malignant creep if possible.

Update: September 1, 2013
I visited the Love Shop On Church St. and spoke to a different cashier.  He told me they stopped selling Poppers a month ago because "Health Canada has an issue with them."  However, it is possible that the store will sell to known customers, as do some other cautious stores.

In Scarborough a store called "Homerama Adult Video" at 2516 Eglinton Avenue East sells Poppers with "no questions asked" according to a man who contacted me.

Gay bath houses usually sell Poppers, even now. Recently a guy told me Central Spa at 1610 Dundas St. W. sells them, and I've heard the bath houses in the Gay Village also have them.  But I don't know.  A guy contacted me and wrote, "I am slightly confused as to which stores carry legit ones, openly.  I saw that a little bath house I go to still sells them from a locker when asked, but it is unlabeled, and also costs $25 dollars each!  I'm unsure if it is legit or not, so I didn't get it."  This guy wanted my advice because I wrote this Guide. Everything relevant that I know is here, and I don't give advice.  

Beware of Fake Poppers.  Do a google search for "Fake Poppers" and you will learn it's quite common. For instance, Jungle Juice Platinum is made in British Columbia.  However fake "Jungle Juice Platinum" is made by at least 5 American companies and at least 2 Chinese companies.  The bottle is usually different, and the label looks very similar, but usually has "polish remover" or "nail polish remover" on the label, and genuine Jungle Juice Platinum does not.  It has "leather cleaner" on the label. You can learn a lot about fake Poppers on the internet.

There is an adult video store on the west side of Yonge St. just south of Wellesley St. that sells Poppers openly. The name is "XXX Discount Adult Video" at 538 Yonge Street (647-351-8006) and the store never closes. But their "Poppers" are fake! The Jungle Juice Platinum label is definitely fake, the strange tall bottle with a big white plug is fake, and it seems to contain lighter fluid.  For $17 it's a rip off because the contents are "weak" or useless. They also have Rush, which is identical except for the label.  As of September 30, 2013 the "Discount adult video" store is openly selling Jungle Juice Platinum and Rush, both of which supposedly contain butyl nitrite.  A guy on staff said he heard that Jungle Juice hits fast and is stronger but the Rush lasts longer.  The store's main problem is finding distributors, because Health Canada has been pressuring them.

A guy wrote to me and stated his Poppers from the "Discount Adult Video" store were "off".  Another guy wrote they were "weak".  But one man claimed what he bought there was satisfactory, not fake, and he was going to tell the store about me "bad mouthing" them.  They already know about me because I told them.  Furthermore, fakes usually work.  But even if a fake is better than the original, it is still a fake.

Beware of FAKE Poppers!  Do your homework on the internet, then examine any bottle of Poppers you are considering buying.  Other than labels, the ingredients are important to scrutinize. Sometimes, such as now in Toronto, there are only fake Poppers available.  Ask the cashier to tell you which brand is the best or most popular with customers.  They usually don't like these questions and want to sell their Poppers without discussing them, so keep your questions brief and polite.

A few guys contacted me and told me they had successfully ordered Poppers online from England. One guy said it took 10 days to arrive.  Canadians basically cannot order from US distributors, nor can Americans in Alaska and Hawaii.  But I did order 3 bottles of Rave from the UK for $17.68 total, including shipping.  Nothing happened, so I ordered 3 more from another company for $25.14.  They informed me they had been shipped.  When I asked when they would arrive, they stated a mistake was made and I owed them another $13 to ship!  I told them no, to refund my money, and ordered 4 more from another company for $31.92.  Both UK Poppers and UKaromas (UKPart) emailed me identical invoice forms.  

On September 10 I received 3 bottles of Rush from (not the company I ordered from), which I did not order.  It was sent airmail in a bubble wrap package with no return address and took 5 or 7 days. The customs sticker read "make up".  Rush is better than nothing until the Rave arrives, and I sold 2 bottles of Rush.

Poppers in the UK were mostly isobutyl nitrite until it was outlawed in 2007, and now they are now made with isopropyl nitrite  I don't like Rush and what I tried was better than what is available in Toronto, but didn't last long.  After using it a few times it didn't do anything.  It was probably fake judging by the label.  

                                   Real Rush Poppers

Some online UK Poppers distributors are scams. has a reputation for ripping off customers in various ways, usually by not sending what is paid for. Their debit will read "Goran Chemicals Ltd".  I learned the hard way that EuroPoppers, UKPoppers and UKaromas are also rip off scams.   Some UK companies ship from the Czech Republic. Shipping from the UK to Canada can take as long as a month, or you may not receive anything because the crooks did not ship or Canada Customs "seized" the order. UK Retailers will not respond to your emails. Eventually Canada Customs may catch on, so it is wise to order online now.  Do your homework first, starting with the Popper's Place website link.  It is often temporarily "locked" by the web host for various reasons, but just try again another day:

On September 18 I received 3 bottles of "High-Tech" Poppers from (UK Poppers).  They were sent air mail, contained an invoice but no bubble wrap, and took 13 days to arrive.  Unlike, EuroPoppers did nothing to hide that they were shipping Poppers.  The customs sticker seemed to read "poppers" but crossed out.  A message inside about Rave reads, "Out Of Stock replaced with higher priced alternative". I've only tried the "High-Tech" a few times, and Wow!  It was great the first few times and I wonder if the blast will last indefinitely.  Apparently I get a tolerance to it if I use it too often, but it blew my mind last night.  After using one bottle I can state that it very gradually loses its potency, but holds up quite well – just like the good stuff I used to buy in Toronto. It's a good deal to get 3 bottles of Poppers delivered to my door for $17.68, but my other three orders were expensive disasters.

As of September 25, 2013 I have not yet received 4 bottles of Rave from UKaromas (UKpart).  Someone on the internet advised not to buy large quantities of Poppers online.  Maybe 4 bottles is too many to make it through customs, especially since Health Canada has alerted the Canada Border Services Agency to block imports of alkyl nitrites.  So on September 26 I ordered 3 more bottles of Rave from EuroPoppers for $17.68.  Based on my previous experience, I should get good quality Poppers from them in about 2 or 3 weeks. 

It's been over a month since I ordered 4 bottles of Rave from UKaromas.  "UKpart" was paid $31.92.  I have emailed them many times but they have not responded. Others on the internet with this problem have mentioned they were given a refund.  Therefore, it seems UKaromas is a scam website, or at least one to avoid.  I went on their website and logged in.  My order was "dispatched. I sent a message.  My message was instantly emailed to me, but nothing else happened.  Did they ship, and when? Because both Both UKPoppers and UKaromas use an identical invoice form and took my money on the same day, they are probably the same company.  Possibly Canada Customs "seized" my 4 bottles of Rave because it was sent at the same time as the 3 others.  However, I believe UKPoppers and UKaromas are rip off scam sites and they stole my money.  In any case, I have demanded that UKaromas refund my money.  I will continue demanding that.  Their failure to respond to my emails makes them suspicious and probably guilty of theft. 

UKPoppers and UKaromas are the same.  UKaromas has this disclaimer as part of its rip off scam:  "Please be aware if you are buying from countries where adult Aromas are not legal or have restriction you do so at your own risk and we may not be held responsible for customs holding your packages. Whilst this is a rare occurrence we take no responsibility for stopped packages." UKaromas knows exactly which countries "where adult Aromas are not legal" and the rip off company does not ship to these countries, but steals the money.  According to complaints on the internet, PowerPoppers and other scam sites ship good Poppers the first time for "bait", but subsequent orders are a rip off.  They do not respond to emails, complaints or otherwise.

Now it's October 18 and I still have not received Poppers from UKaromas or UKPoppers.  The UKaromas shipment was not "seized" by Canada Customs because the company claims to have shipped two orders on the same day, but I only received one.  It's still too soon to speculate about the UKPoppers order, but it was probably a rip off as well.  Based on what I have experienced, it is time to be very cautious ordering Poppers online from the UK.  It would be best to buy from a more expensive company, and definitely one that brags they ship in "discreet non identifiable plain packaging".  A good feature is "tracking" and keep your order to 3 bottles or less.  Poppers from a company like have a good chance of getting through because they sell all types of merchandise and ship their Poppers in bubble wrap as "make up".

For UKaromas here are a couple of comments on the internet"
1) "They took my money 6 weeks ago but nothing has arrived!"
2) "I have been very patient and waited 12 days for my order and still no delivery.  My money was taken from my account two days after ordering.  If they can do that quick enough how come my order can't arrive that quickly?  Do not use this company it's a con and a rip off."

For the company's other name "UKPoppers" here are a couple of internet comments:
1) "Bad, bad service  – I ordered 5 bottles - which hadn't arrived after a week. Emailed them and they said they'd send out a replacement order. Guess what? Didn't arrive either. I'm £24 down & they wont even respond to emails. Avoid them like the plague." 
2) "Dont follow through with special offers.  I was sent a code for a free bottle when I placed a previous order. The free item didn't arrive and I contacted the company, they apologized and promised to send. The promised bottle never arrived. I even placed a second order and asked for it to be included but again it did not arrive. I contacted the company again, they apologized again and promised to send it but guess was never sent. I have since tried to contact the company on 3 more occasions regarding this issue and they have now taken to just not replying to my emails. Poor customer service, will not use again." 

In my last email to UKaromas I made the mistake of giving them a link to this Guide.  A few hours later this Guide went off Google.  It is not indexed by Google anymore and really is not on Google, although it can be found with difficulty.  Obviously UKaromas used SEO techniques or something to interfere with this Guide.  This is more evidence that UKaromas is a criminal rip off website.

Ray from Montreal emailed me about his experience with  "I thought you might like to know that two weeks ago I ordered 3 "Liquid Gold" from Fantazia in the UK.  About 2 days later they sent me an email as they had neglected to charge me the postage. I paid this, the package was sent by airmail, the total cost was $32 including the 3 bottles, much less than I would have paid here in Montreal.  The package arrived yesterday and the customs declaration indicated "make up".  I would certainly recommend this company."

It's October 22, 2013 and I have not received my orders from from UKaromas or UKPoppers. I do not expect to. They owe me $50 and they will have to pay up eventually with interest.  Do not order poppers from UKaromas, UKPoppers, or PowerPoppers unless you want to get ripped off.  A company like is your best bet. However, if possible notify the company beforehand not to substitute, or mention alternatives you prefer if they must substitute.

On November 14, 2013 I finally received 4 bottles of Poppers from UKaromas.  It only took 2 ½ months to arrive.  Unfortunately, the Rave I ordered was "Out of Stock" and "Replaced with higher priced alternative". That alternative was Rush, which I do not like.  I strongly suspect that UKaromas shipped the Rush to me because I gave them a link to this Guide and they didn't want to lose business.  They read in this Guide that I don't like Rush, so the assholes sent it to me.  I expect to receive another very late order, and it will probably be 3 more fucking bottles of Rush.  

It's November 19, 2013 and I've used half a bottle of Rush and I love it.  The more I used it the better it worked.  Just an hour ago a few sniffs from a half empty bottle was too much, whereas it didn't do much when I first opened it. That is because of me adjusting to it and/or there being more air space in the bottle for the Poppers to work. There is a sweet smell to this stuff that provides the kick, and that odor is pronounced now.  I've got 3 more unopened bottles of Rush, half a bottle of great Hi-Tech, and my plan is to order some more Poppers from the UK in a month or two.  All the bullshit about the lack of Poppers in Toorotten, Rotttentario is irrelevant to me now. 

On November 23, 2013 I attempted to buy 3 bottles of Rave from Fantazia, although the company used the name "Aroma Heaven" and "FancyDressB.".  My attempt failed but the next day I successfully ordered 3 bottles of Rave.  I paid by credit card and made it clear in my order and in a separate email that Paypal cannot be involved in the currency conversion.  On November 27 I learned that Paypal ripped me off again and Fantazia informed me they did not have Rave and could not obtain it.  I ordered them to cancel my order.  Then I ordered 2 bottles of Hi-Tech and 2 bottles of 25 ml. "English" (Fantazia told me it was their "strongest") for $39.28 from PoppersRus. Instructions were to substitute Hi-Tech not Rush, and to put "make up" on the customs contents sticker.  Fantazia gets my recommendation, as long as you specify that Paypal not be involved in the currency conversion.

It's December 9, 2013 and I just received my order from PoppersRus.  The packaging was the best of the companies and "Aromatherapy tool gift" was on the customs declaration.  The tracking was great, because on the internet I checked when it had arrived in Toronto for processing.  I haven't tried English yet, but I'm glad I've got some Hi-Tech.  I don't like Rush after all. 

I recommend PoppersRus for having the overall best quality and cheapest prices when ordering from the U.K.  For example, I ordered and quickly obtained three 25 ml. bottles of "English".  The total price came to about $30.  To get the same thing from Fantazia would have cost over $50 – not because of the Poppers price – but Fantazia's current expensive charge for shipping.  These things change, so I suggest comparing the total cost of what you want with different companies.

In the real world the worst aspect of using poppers is the social stigma.  People who use poppers are considered to be degenerate scumbags.  Everything about the poppers industry is sleazy.  Most places to buy poppers are sleazy, and you will be treated like a sleaze when you shop. Some respectable bookstores and such sell poppers because they are very profitable, but the arrogant staff treat the poppers customers in a sleazy way, like they are mentally ill or diseased.  I learned that this sleaze also exists on the internet.  Some of the companies I dealt with are very sleazy.  Try to distance yourself from them as much as possible.  I am a successful and respectable writer, and I will not tolerate bullshit from poppers merchants.  They are the sleazes.

PoppersRus Update:   In January 2015 I placed another order for English poppers at PoppersRus. My account was already in place on their website with my name, address, and so on. I simply had to enter my credit card number to place my order. Within half an hour I received 7 emails from PoppersRus. The first was a message that my payment had been accepted. Next came a couple of invoices.  Then I received several more emails from PoppersRus stating that my order had been cancelled.  I checked my online PoppersRus account and "BEWARE THIS CUSTOMER" had been placed on all my orders, past and present. These "BEWARE" notices were not there an hour earlier.

I complained to PoppersRus for this bizarre non-transaction and finally they falsely claimed they do not ship to Canada! I explained to the fucking liars that I had received several shipments from them, and had recommended them in this Guide. My questions about their behavior went unanswered. Now my advice to you for PoppersRus is "BEWARE THIS COMPANY"! They are the sleaziest and rudest online poppers merchants, and they are erratic, unpredictable and unreliable. Fantazia is a better source of poppers. Virtually every UK Poppers company ships world-wide, including to Canada. 

The very worst English Poppers company has got to be They sent spam ads for their poppers to 3 of my email address in boxes. I followed the link and made a transaction for about $35 for 3 bottles of something I was unfamiliar with.  They did not send a confirmation, so i checked my account on their website. It had my personal information, and my order was paid for using my credit card.  Although they took my money, they immediately cancelled the order! I sent 4 emails of complaint.  No response.  They are now being investigated for fraud by my credit card company. will have to refund my money plus pay a large fine to the credit company. 

Do not order poppers from UKaromas, UKPoppers, or PowerPoppers because you will get ripped off. It's guaranteed they will steal your money and not ship anything.  In fact, you should avoid buying any poppers from the motherfucking British. After centuries of inbreeding on their dreary little island they tend to be crooks. Furthermore, all English poppers are isopropyl nitrite. It doesn't matter what brand or label you buy, it's all the same isopropyl nitrite – which is not very good. It's like sniffing glue and causes severe lung congestion. 

One of the benefits of buying poppers online is to avoid the sleaze we must endure when buying poppers in a store. But with PoppersRus it is more sleazy than any store. The guy in charge or who takes charge sometimes is an obnoxious asshole who will insult you. He is rude and reacts with fascist hysterical anger when asked a question. His swinish and erratic behaviour is astonishing and he will ruin your entire day with his aggressive and malicious abuse.  BEWARE THIS COMPANY. 

In January 2016 the U.K. government approved a blanket ban that prohibits the sale of alkyl nitrites (poppers).  Some companies that make or sell poppers are taking legal action.  One Conservative M.P. admitted to being gay and admitted that he used poppers, which he said were safe to use.  However, the UK government has decided to review the laws surrounding poppers in the summer of 2016.  

Home Secretary Theresa May pushed through the legislation to make poppers illegal alongside substances such as nitrous oxide (laughing gas).  But now the UK government will review the poppers decision due to pressure from the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD), the Commons Home Affairs Select Committee, and backbench Tory MPs. Experts had called for a legal exemption for poppers, over fears a ban could do more harm than good in the gay community.

You can try companies in other countries such as Germany and Australia. You can order Poppers from Australia, but they are much more expensive than in the UK and take longer to ship – up to 20 days using airmail.  In Australia all Poppers supposedly contain Amyl Nitrite.  It has a different chemical composition and properties than Amyl Nitrate, which is used as an additive in diesel fuel and to treat angina pectoris and cyanide poisoning. PopperExpress has one of the best reputations for quality and pricing.  All of their Poppers are genuine and they expose fake Poppers on their websites.

A man named Mike contacted me.  He claims to make Poppers, specifically isobutyl nitrite.  Mike sells them in unlabeled bottles and the minimum order is 25 bottles at $3 each, to make it "worth" his time. I asked him to think of a smaller amount alternative that would be "worth his time".  He didn't reply.  If this asshole ever contacts you, I recommend you ignore him. If you're going to risk buying black market Poppers, you don't want a gallon of crappy isobutyl nitrite.

I do not believe Poppers in Toronto stores are worth buying at this time.  If you know of any, please let me know.  Even before this recent Poppers crackdown I wanted to make my own Poppers, so they would be the chemical I wanted and always fresh.

It is very easy to make Poppers.  I have several recipes. The ingredients are common, such as sulphuric acid (battery acid), water, and various alcohols.  However, this is not England where they have Chemists' shops.  No.  It is very difficult to obtain the ingredients in small quantities to make Poppers here.  evilBay is supposedly the best source, but I boycott evilBay because I was ripped off for thousands of dollars by them.  If anyone out there is in the chemistry field and can help me buy the ingredients to make Poppers, please contact me.  You will be rewarded with all the fresh Poppers you want at no cost.

You can contact me at:
Send information only.  I will not respond to questions.